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My life in words and images; a work in progress.

I Just Don't Know...

Systems Adminstrator's Blogs Are Boring.

This one, I'm sure, is no exception. Posts are often written at the end of a long working day; I'm frequently confused, drunk and alone.

Or am I?


Thu, 14 Aug 2014

FreeBSD on Raspberry PI (take 3)

Forget it. They seem to work just fine, but die without any diagnostics.

I wonder if, at 25 quid each, they're a bit substandard. I'm going to buy a couple more just to see if it's a quality control issue.

Sun, 10 Aug 2014

FreeBSD on Raspberry PI (take 2)

Aoyama Daisuke has fixed the SD card problems with FreeBSD 11 on the RPI.

I have two RPIs sat there doing nothing, I'm going to leave them just doing the usual overnight jobs and see what happens.

Mon, 04 Aug 2014

FreeBSD on Raspberry PI

I heard that they'd got FreeBSD running on the Raspberry PI, so I had to have a play. I'm not impressed.

Don't even bother with the -STABLE version, it isn't. Use 11.0 (aka -CURRENT) from the Japanese guy who's all over the forums like a rash right now. I managed to get it to boot OK, but there seem to be some severe problems with the SD card driver (the card is OK, works with XBMC).

The ethernet is slow. Powering anything from the USB port crashes the PI. I think I've wasted over fifty quid buying two of these.

Sat, 10 May 2014

This cannot be for real.

Half the time, the shit that ends up in my mailbox isn't intended for me at all. At work I get masses of stuff for people working in the hospitals and research facilities scattered around the Uni; to be honest, it's quite frightening thinking about some of the dark activity that's so common in Manchester.

So, I'm not sure if this is even intended for me, but apparently I are being offered a secret contract with a Political Party (it's the Green Party, if you must know) to do some sort of communications work and website development.

It's from someone who calls himself Drogon Barre. I looked up the GP on the web and found they've got a comms wonk called Clifford. Drogon, Dragon, Clifford? Oh suit yerself.

I'm ignoring it anyway. They want skills I don't have.

Mon, 05 May 2014

Who the fuck is Arthur Ruminant?

It really pisses me off when my employers come into my systems and make changes without telling me.

There's been a new account created today for someone called Arthur Ruminant, apparently he's "one of us". I already have mail dating back for decades which I'm not allowed to delete, just in case the people who it's for pop up again. All kinds of crazy shit about meowing armies and flonking and troll hunting and...

Sometimes I think I'm living in a timewarp of some kind. Please do not burst into song.

Wed, 02 Apr 2014

Weird email received; is this you?

I've been forced to move my pointless website to a VPS somewhere in Russia, because a stupid manager was worried that another stupid manager might read it. Quite an overreaction, since the logs indicate the only regular visitor is the Googlebot. I diligently modified the updates section on my page to say "Goodbye Manchester".

A couple of days later I was both surprised and gratified to get an email from somebody asking where I'd moved to. A mystery reader! And one who cares!

Whoever you are, I got a bounce when I tried to reply to you. I've corrected the updates section. This website may have moved, but I'm still in the same place.